Why Choose K.ENG LLC for Your Structural Consulting Needs?
Ken Karston S.E. P.E. has been providing structural consulting services in the office and on the job site for over 30 years. He is proficient with design and repair of the following materials: steel (structural and light gage), concrete (cast-in-place), masonry (brick, block, and stone), and wood (heavy timber, engineered wood, and dimensional lumber). Mr. Karston S.E. P.E. is responsible for producing structural calculations and drawings for K.ENG LLC.
K.ENG LLC has involvement with all types of projects from single family homes to mid-rise (<80ft) residential and mixed use buildings, from new construction to repair to renovation and adaptive reuse, from permanent to temporary non-building structures, from condition assessments to structural evaluation and expert witness work to performing a structural peer review, and everything in between.
K.ENG LLC has the knowledge and experience to design and detail a project to meet the requirements of the client as well as the local building code and can assist the client in bid review and contractor selection. K.ENG LLC also provides construction administration services such as shop drawing review and field observations during construction for verification of compliance with the structural intent and drawings.
K.ENG LLC has high standards for producing structural calculations and drawings. The goal is to get things right the first time reducing corrections received during review processes whether those reviews are completed by the local building department or by an Engineer of Record for those projects where K.ENG LLC is the delegated design professional. K.ENG LLC is very detail orientated resulting in clear and concise structural drawings that eliminate guesswork by the contractor and reduce construction errors.
K.ENG LLC educates clients regarding the engineering specifics as they relate to the their projects as well as explaining the ins and outs of the proposed structural design or repairs, project complexities or existing deficiencies, permitting requirements, etc. K.ENG LLC welcomes questions from clients regarding their project.